Romeo and Julia Photos

Mário Radačovský’s Romeo and Juliet is colourful, fast-paced and dramatic, as the photos below reveal.

Radačovský’s interpretation of the Capulet family is delightfully modern: Juliet’s mother is a single mother and her brother Tybalt is even more protective of both Juliet and her mother.

dance of the Patriarchs

Dance of the Patriarchs

Tybalt Juliet mother

Paris Juliet mother

mercutio dance

Mercutio dance

mercutio surrounded by capulets

Mercutio surrounded by Capulets

Mercutio vs Tybalt

Mercutio vs Tybalt

mercutio dies by romeo

Mercutio dies by Romeo – the close friendship between Romeo and Mercutio makes Mercutio’s death all the more tragic.

dead mercutio

Dead Mercutio

paris attacks romeo

Paris attacks Romeo

duo romeo juliet

Duo Romeo Juliet

lift romeo juliet

Romeo & Juliet – Radačovský’s love scenes are particularly lyrical and touching with full overhead lifts to communicate the passion of the young lovers.

Juliet Lady Capulet

Juliet Lady Capulet

juliet ordered to marry paris

Juliet ordered to marry Paris

romeo juliet second duet 2

Romeo Juliet second duet 2

romeo juliet second duet

Romeo Juliet second duet

arthur abrams natalya

Arthur Abrams Natalya

Romeo finds Juliet in comaRomeo finds Juliet in coma
Lady Capulet grieves Juliet

Lady Capulet grieves Juliet

Mario Radacovsky curtain call

Mario Radacovsky curtain call

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